Sep 25, 2007

Silly rabbit...

...running/walking is for people who are not in pain.

Yeah... scratch that 5K walk I was contemplating off the list. My calves were sore all yesterday, and then last night I got a few hamstring cramps. I have not done anything since last Thursday night in terms of running.

I hurt. Even though I have not been running. Now tell me, how awesome is that?

Tonight I am going to hit the gym after work. Ooooh la-la. I am going back to the gym! My plan is to hit a total body strength workout, along with some cardio. Defnitely not running, so I may try a class or simply hit the bike for a bit. I do not feel that my legs are ready for spinning just yet. The spin instructor is pretty militant and I just know that if I get a cramp... well let's just say that things will not be pretty.

OK folks, well off to get ready for work. Have a great Tuesday!

})i({ Limpergirl

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