Yeah, the distance that I ran this AM is not what the 'I did it!' going thruogh my head is all about. It is the fact that I ran it pre-5:30AM. You hear me right...
The run was pretty easy paced as a) it was dark and b) it was dark. I ran with a flashlight and a blinky-red running light so others could see me. I stayed in my area where the lights are on and plus I live in a gated community, so there is very little non-resident traffic. I also ran sans iPod because of the darkness and I wanted to be able to hear everything.
Mile 1 was fabulous, then I came to an odd spot on the gradual hill. I decided that today since I am running this AM I would allow myself a few walk breaks on the hills. My stomache was hungy, my body barely awake, but I did it none the less. What a great feeling. Ahhh.... I much rather run in the light, but this was a nice refreshing change of scenery for me.
So now I am off to shower eat a shake and hit the road for work and school.
Catch ya all later!
The best part of running early is you get it done and don't have to spend the day worrying about it.
I hate running in the AM. I do it, but I can never really get a good session in. My body needs time to wake up, I think. Swimming is a different story...
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