Apr 1, 2009

The Muncie Report - Gettin' Back To Bidness, Week 6


So I have been mysteriously ill for over a week. Headache - check. And constant.

My motivation to work out has dropped off the face of the planet, and my State Swim Meet debut was a no go due to stupid crazy illness all weekend. *sigh*

I am just glad that I am in base building right now otherwise.. this girl would be screwed.

So no stats for last week. I swam a little, nothing much to speak of. No bike, no run. *sigh again*

This week so far has been a no go - headache from another world since Friday.

Tomorrow AM I am biking for 1:15. Tomorrow night is an Arbonne meeting, so I needed to rearrance some things. Friday night, if the weather holds, will be a nice bike.run brick and Saturday is the Martian 5K. I cannot even do the 10K because now my Aunt and Uncle from out of state are visiting my parents up north, so we need to stop in however they are leaving before 3PM, so we gotta get the lead out !

To top off the week's craziness, now Mike is sick again (respritory issues) and his Grandmoth has a massive heart attack and his mother and sister are by her side in Vancouver. Things do not look good for her, so we are sort of on call.

Now this is what I talk about in tri clinics - be fluid. Life happens and triathlon training is not your job. I would in past years be fuming mad that I cannot follow a plan right at the moment, but the current Jenn is just happy she has time to get back into the groove.

A super bonus - April 7th is the official start of the Tuesday PM brick workouts at Hines Drive! Jenn's back baby!

I am looking forward to Muncie in a few short weeks. A part of me is still in disbelief that I am doing this - but then I look in the mirror and say heck yeah I am doing this.

Happy training and healthy days!



Lora Abernathy said...

Triathlon isn't my job. I think I needed that reminder as I struggle getting motivated for my work this morning.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Get well and you'll be back on course in no time.

Run For Life said...

Feel better soon! You have the right outlook - better to get better and take it easy instead of over exerting yourself and ending up sick longer.