Mar 5, 2007

Off to the land of beer, beef, and cheese!

That sentence alone is 1000% better than the entire plot for Epic Movie. ;)

I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for Milwaukee and West Bend, WI for an overnight trip. :( No biggie.

I am looking forward to feeling better, which I say I mostly do as I am now only coughing when cold air rushes me.

Unfortuantely, after reviewing what is available at the hotel, I see that there is an indoor pool (yeah for me), however, the fitness center is off-site (we get free passes). I will be arriving at 5PMish, then we are heading to dinner, so maybe I will just do my Self Challenege workout in my room. And I will bring the DVD player and some good workout DVDs... but then again.. this IS just an overnight trip!

SO I will do the self challenege workout then. All I need is the audio (already on the new iPod), and the workout cards/magazine (thank goodness I am a subscriber!)

Well, off to bed. My video iPod is all synced up now with a few TV shows, and my iPod shuffle is all synced up with my workout music, schedules, and misc. fitness podcasts. Oh and a few good NPR podcasts as well. I must stay educated!

Have a good start of the week. I will check back in with the results of my Self Challenge workout tomorrow.


1 comment:

Faithful Soles said...

I used to go to Milwaukee a lot on business, and stayed at the Pfister (very old but nice hotel, lots of history). I would put on my running stuff and run along Lake Michigan.

By the way, I wanted to also follow up and thank you again for linking your blog to our Running Blog Database. It has now grown to bloggers from 36 states in the US and 20 other countries of all ages and abilities and has become a great resource for members to find blogs that meet their specific goals and interests.

Have fun on your trip!