Look at that face above. That is the face of RunnerGirl. It is me, and I am happy to say that this is the year of my 1500!
This is the year that...
I break a lifetime mileage of 1500 miles.
I run 300 miles in this year alone.
I reach my goal of a sub 2 40 half.
I become serious about training.
I shed those pounds.
I find happiness in living life.
I keep on reaching for the stars.
I smile more than I frown.
I shed less tears of sorrow and more tears of joy.
I am not afraid to stop and smell the flowers... even if during a race.
I will train someone to run their first 5k and then some.
I will reflect back on every race prior and take a lesson with me to the next.
I stop qualifying myself by the numbers I see.
I start quantifying my runs by the numbers that matter.
I stop obsessing over the numbers in either case.
I get back to basics and listen to my body. It is afterall, the best pience of equipment I have.
Here is to your year.
Keep on running,
Awesome goals, Jen!
I like your new blog.
I just got an email from K80K in Maryland. She's the one I told you about that is active with the Firm. She said she met you on a Firm chat. How cool.
Hope you had a save journey back to Michigan.
Arizona, USA
Oh by the way, she showed me the picture of the three of us. Can I put it on my blog?
Absolutely Pat! use it all you want! I can send it to you if you want!
What is funny is that I was just thinking - wow k80k is teh same name as one fo teh girls on the Firm forums... lol how funny!
Great goals! Good luck!
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