Jan 29, 2007

Being in the dark. Sometimes it is a good thing.

Somedays dont you just feel like you are in the dark? Not so much that things are being hidden from you per say, but just that a cloud surrounds you, or that you are not thinking clearly?

Sometimes as a runner I feel in the dark but in a good way. I think How to begin? Where to run? How to train? What about fuel? These are all questions that pop into my head from time to time. Not that these ponderings are bad, it just makes me wonder why we need all the glitz and gadgetry... why not just run?

I often post up here about all of my gadgets. Man oh man. I love my gadgets. But what benifit do we really get? Well Garmin aside, I need my Garmin!, I am done with gadgets. I can go and be free. And I think that that is what running has become for me. Freedom. Therapy. Me time. It grants me focus and the ability to hone in on my body... in a positive light!

Now that is refreshing. I sort of like being in the dark.


MNFirefly said...

I have no gadgets myself 'cept for the iPod. I run free all of the time. :D

Backofpack said...

I would love to run with no gadgets. I just got the Garmin, but imagine there will be days I leave it home...maybe. It's kind of hard to let it go when you are keeping a training log. Can't really let go of the hr monitor/watch, though I'd really, really like to...but if I'm going to run with a heart condition, then I gotta wear the monitor. On the other hand, I don't use an ipod, I leave my headlight home most mornings (and run in the dark) and have learned to do a very good job of ignoring the garmin and watch (except for the run/walk beeps) when running. It's once I get home and look at the stats that I get all caught up in it.

I could've sworn I left you a comment the other day - I love your blog and wondered about the template - if you did it yourself?