Oct 7, 2006

LSD, and why this type is good for you.

Today I completed the scheduled 8 miles. I was so very tempted to wrangle a few more miles out of the run, but I had scheduled the time for 8 miles only, and had Mike waiting for me back at the car.

I was excited when I crossed the finish line after completing 8 miles, but was a bit worried that their markings were off in terms of miles. The director of the run assured me that if I went out to the 4 mile marker, turned around and came back to START, then I had indeed completed the desired 8 miles. The issue - my GPS told me it was 6.71 miles. Now that is a far cry from 8, and I am not about cheating myself out of miles at this stage in my training.

I then realized what had happened. A good portion of where I ran today was under dense trees and my GPS kept beeping at me, I assumed with info about my run and my interval clocks. I know now that it was the GPS telling me that it had no idea where I was and cut out a good 1.3 miles of my trip. Way to go. But given that I am prone to trust a race director who makes his living off of acurately planned and marked courses, I say boo to Garmin for this one.

I started out with the intention of trying the run/walk method Jeremy had shown me Wednesday at our run through Kensington. I could not remember for how long we ran the run intervals, so I plugged in 5 minutes run, 1 minute recovery walking. On my GPS you have to indicate the number of these 5/1 laps you wish to complete, instead of the mileage you want to run them in. I picked a far-off random number, and then started off on my run of 8.

The first 5 minutes came so quickly that I ran through the recovery break. The next beep for a walk break was still too soon for me, so I ran through that as well. I have to say that during my first four miles I only walked maybe 3 times for a total of 3 minutes. I would start to get into that zone - you know, the one where you never want to quit - and just have to push myself forward.

During the 1st four miles I saw that I tended to hover around a 9:45 ish pace, sometimes slowing it down to the 10:30's. On the returning four miles I slowed down to a 11:00 pace and a slowest pace of 12:45 when I really needed recovery without walking. The walking was by all accounts a slow death march because I would overcompensate by booking it a little too fast fo rmy own good. I am still learning to harness my pace, and I really should take heed in the notion that I keep with the S portion - you know the SLOW runs. This was not a race, yet somehow I felt the need to pass. To conquer. To set a PB. I am so freakin' dense sometimes.

One of these days I will learn to run a bit slower to stay the course. But for now I have a new tool at my disposal (interval running) and I plan on playing with that for a bit.

Monday I plan on doing a speedier 3/1 interval for 5 to see how that goes.

Toodles everyone -


MNFirefly said...

Nice job on the run!

Lance Notstrong said...

Use heart rate, it will keep you slow when it's time to run slow and fast when it's time to run fast. Try this interval on for size:

10 min warmup (HR: below 150)
10 min endurance (HR: 150-158)
3 min tempo (HR: 165-172)
5 min recovery (HR: below 155)
3 min tempo (HR: 165-172)
5 min recovery (HR: below 155)
3 min tempo (HR: 165-172)
10 min endurance (HR: 150-158)
10 min cool down (HR: below 150)

Jenniferlyn said...

Thank you Lance! I will try that!