Oct 9, 2006

Another 5 miler - This time with a little more effort

Tonight I ran my scheduled 5 miler out at Kensington.

I am really working on the pace. When I push myself I average in the mid 9's. When I just run I average in the mid-10's. When I relax I average in the mid-11's to 12's. I will analyze my workout from tonight tomorrow and see where the intervals I ran averaged out to be.

I decided to try 2/1's and as such was getting a quarter-mile every 3 minutes. That was pretty neat. The run felt really good, however the hip-flexor started to act up a little again. To counteract the crazy leg issues I am proned to when I got home I took a nice cold ICE BATH! Mouse - how on earth do you do it? Good grief.

I am proud that I stuck with the intervals, only running through the last one because I was so close to the completion of the run. I am REALLY not used to walking while running like that, especially on distances less than a 10K.

I also noticed that for the first time, I hated running with the Jennpod. I do not know if it was the music I chose this time around (a compilation SKA album) or if it was the fact that I enjoy running in the fall so much that the music was almost distracting, and a little too fast. Over the next few weeks I will be honing in on a good 13.1 mile soundtrack.

I am feeling stonger, faster, better than previous years, so here's to a good race 10/29. I am going to do 9 miles this Saturday out at Kensington, and then rest the following day up North at my parents for my dad's B-Day.

Well, off to bed! Have a good night/day everyone.

Keep on Running!

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