Mar 27, 2007

Michigan Intolerance... it could happen to you.

I went home sick today AGAIN. Not a sinus infection this time - but a serious-out-of-left-field-hell-hath-no-fury-like-this, illness. blah.

I am intolerant to Michigan I have determined. I was perfectly healthy in Florida. I was perfectly healthy in Chicago. Upon returning in both cases I fell quite ill. All in the past 5 weeks. Grrrrrrrrrr I think a few more trips out of Michigan can help ease the pain of my intolerance for this state of many sasons. Also I am getting my metropark passe for $16 this year (thank you corporate discounts!) and plan on spend a lot of time on the lake again - both in the boat and in the water or on the beach. Very niiiice.


So my hopes of getting to the gym tonight are nilch now. Even if I do feel better, one of my co-workers works out at the same facility I do in Novi, so if she saw me there... that would just look strange given that I left work in a flurry of tears at 11:30.

I really wanted to get in some strength training tonight. I guess I can go to the gym here in our complex... that would work. But I feel a lil weak.

This raging headache needs to leave my body! I have had ringing ears all day, and a headache that "headache" meds won't cure. I am thinking it is something else, but I do not want to go there... again. I have had a nice 1.5 year break... I am not quite ready to go back there... to that place.

Aside from the pending doom that it my stomache/head/sinus cavity/brain, I am proud of my workout last night. I felt really strong running, and the 60 seconds zoomed right by. My hopes are that I will emerge from this program with a sub 30 minute 5k time. :) If I can sustain that, then my goal is to run a 10 minute mile CRIM this year. Oh and that would be the 10 miler. Man if I could run the CRIM in an hour or less... I would be so happy!!!!

The end of the C25K program for me will fall in the week of May 26th. That will give me around 2.5 months to get in gear for the CRIM and Chicago Distance Classic which I am running on my B-day weekend. I can so do this! The C25K program will leave off right about week 3 or 4 in the Hal Higon approach, which will end right at the time of the Chicago Distance. How perfect?

Man... I finally found my rehab plan. Slow introduction, find a good pace, run like a mad woman for 13.1 in August.

I love this rehabilitation - bad habits out... good habits in. I feel like the bionic man saying - stronger, faster... just all around better!

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

Jenn, have you thought the work environment may be making you sick by either mold or something breeding in the air? It's odd that you are sick when back home but well when away. I hope you really feel better soon.