Yesterday I did not have to worry about the desire to run said miles. I was dropped by a brain-bomb (AKA migraine, AKA cranial malfunction, AKA the bane of my existance) half-way through the day. Ughhhh... I hate these things.
Anyhow - after dinner and quasi-relaxation the darn thing was still not gone so I went to bed... and woke up with it this morning. Oh come on! Leave me already! Talk about a house guest which overstays it's welcome. Go.Home.NOW.
I decided to skip class tonight and relax at home with Mike. Skipped class I did - however it has not been so restful. Lights...hurt... need caffine. So now my one rest day has become two due to my feeble, feeble brain.
Tomorrow is an easy 4.5 miler which I will increase to 5, Thursday is a nice easy 3 before work (I have gotten the habit of running with a hugenormus red flashlight to use as either light or weapon), and Friday I am going to have to rest up for the race Saturday (8k), completing my last 4.5 miler on Sunday. I feel that this is a good compromise, and as I have preached on other people's blogs flexibility is the key to success. In my case that has never been so true, so I am taking my own advise for one.
One thing I am doing in preparation for more early morning runs is to start going to be earlier. Oh the logic in all of this. I am such a night owl it is not even funny. Most nights I am awake until 1am. I need to start shutting my eyes earlier so I can wake up earlier and still get a good night's rest. (STOP THE PRESSES!!! I JUST MADE LOGICAL SENSE. Shocker!) Unfortunately, most mornings I am draggin' my behind, well, behind me.
Compound lack of good quality sleep with a hectic work schedule, grad school, and training full force for my races - you have one sleepy, sleeee......
Oh, sorry drifted off there.
*Ahem* As I was saying. One sleepy, sleepy girl. I knew that this was going to be hard as I have seen many others go through this exact same thing many times before me - but why couldn't the "easy" button really work?
Oh that's right - thank you for reminding me. The "easy" button does not really work because then we would have never felt good when we accomplish anything, because we never really would have worked for any of it. Okay, okay. I get it. I will feel even more rewarded when I complete my goals because of all of this hubabaloo I am going through to get there. Thank you mom and dad for instilling an actualy work ethic in me. And darn you for my nose! :)
I am turning out the light, submitting my post to be posted, and going to bed.
Have a wonderful and peaceful evening to all of my friends.
I love waking up early...all seems quiet in the world...time just for me.
Good luck this Saturday!! What's your goal for the race??
I hate waking up early, it's not natural. Have fun at Maybury on Saturday.
Hang in there. I hope you feel better soon.
Mas sleep, por favor! Thank you all...
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