Jan 7, 2010

Feels like normal... well normal plus.

I have an early season half marathon and an early season half ironman. Do you know what that means?

TRAINING! (Read: normalcy)

I am starting to get over the hump of my sickness, (Read: normalcy plus) feeling much better but still not... right. This weekend is a visit from my mom and dad who will be staying with us all weekend long, and then Monday starts the first training of 2010.


In my training I am adding weekly goals such as sleeping a good number of hours each night, drinking enough water to keep me hydrated (in my effort to ditch the caffiene). and adding in swimming.

I am excited to train smarter. To train harder. To enjoy the whole process and not just the outcome.

Next week I want to get to the pool once. The following week twice, and the next week three times. My goal is to be in the habit of swimming at lunch when my HIM training starts in late February.

If I can swim in either the AM or at lunch, then my training will go much smoother.

Week 3 of my training will also be the first check point on my goals for the new year - Consistency. Since I have sick all year so far I have not been able to run. At all. Ugh.

So, once I am in health, I will start the 100 days clock. I think that it is fair only because this goal is to get me consistent and if I was to run outside in the 7* weather with this illness, I would not be running for long. Not good.

I am also getting back into the habit of blogging more regularly. And logging in my miles... which obviously has been easy given the lack of them.

I am still using Beginnertriathlete.com but my HIM trainin gplan is actually through TrainingPeaks, and my half marathon training plan is on there as well, so I will be double logging for a while. I need to keep up with BT as that is where a huge majority of my trainng partners are, as well as this site keeps the entire history of every yard swam, every mile biked, and every mile ran. Monthly, yearly... for EVER. Oh OK, not forever, but I can always go back and read through the logs and see where I was and how far I have come.

Now I just need to be more dilengent tracking my calories... livestrong.com is great becuase it has so many foods, however that is an additional tracker I need to keep up. Both BT and TP have nutrition logs, however they are not the most user friendly. Oh well, I will figure it all out!

Ahhhh normalcy... welcome back my friend.

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