Oct 31, 2006

And now comes the tiredness...

I am not extremely sore, and no blisters to be found but my quads feel like they got a nice workout. Not pain, just that feeling of being put to the test.

However, last night I just could not get to bed. I must of still had adrenaline pumping through my body. So this morning was rough to say the least.

I took a shower to wake up and went to blowdry my hair when my hairdryer caught on fire. Good grief. What a great start to a Tuesday.

Got into work, had a department luncheon of chili and all the fixins, and now I just want to go to bed. This weekend has finally caught up with me and it is actually sad because we were given the
gift of an extra hour of sleep this past Sunday, but of course I still had to get up early for the race so that extra hour was primarily lost on me.

Now I sit here contemplating missng class, full knowing that I need to go because I missed last Thursday. I just want to go to bed.

Must. Get. Sleep.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

OMG!! When I working over in St. Paul, I would get called to certain residence halls for fire alarms caused by....burned HAIR when the girls were getting ready for a dance. **sigh**