Sep 24, 2006

Now I have seen EVERYTHING.

I am just sitting here on one of my couches watching a bit of TLC awaiting the race results from the race to be posted, when a very odd commercial comes on - and you are NOT going to believe this.

Follow me here - it is a Barbie doll called Tanner, in which she has a dog, she feeds it, and it poops. Yes, you heard me right - they are selling a Barbie doll called Tanner complete with a pooping dog. What. The. F---------- wow.

Why would you buy a kid a pooping dog and Barbie?

Would you call me obsessed because I am refreshing the results page every 5 minutes? No? Ok good - *wink* I just really want to see how I did. Note to self - bring the Garmin to the races now!

On an unrelated note, I saw on Discovery about a month ago a story of a woman who is in to Adventure Racing (AR)and it looked really cool. The particular AR she did was running, biking, orienteering, rope, obstacles. It look like so much fun!

Well - looking through the race calendar for the upcoming month, I saw that there is an organization in Grand Rapids, MI which is the GRAAR and hosts many ARs throughout the year. OMG - how excited am I? I really REALLY would like to do the one in October 2007. It is Canoeing, biking, orienteering, and possibly ropes. I think that this would be fabulous to attempt atleast once in my life - so I added it to my "Wish List" off on the right hand section here on my blog. This particular race is the Salomon/Mousejaw Adventure Race and is geared towards beginners and those in training for longer AR distances. Bonus... I now have a year to prepare. This year I will be going to Middleville, MI to watch it happen to determine what all I will have to do to prepare.

Anyone in MI that wants to check this out - let me know. (Stoney Creek on Saturday adn MIddleville, MI the 22nd) I am facinated!



Neese said...

i've ran a race early this year and the results still aren't up lol that's so aggravating! i hope yours are up soon.

(i think kids are strangely fascinated by poop, it might be a big seller haha)

Jess said...

I've seen that Barbie dog. I'm not sure playing should be that realistic. Of course, it might save some parents from having to get their kids a real puppy.

Jenniferlyn said...

I never looked at it that way!

I noticed on the Buff Betty's website (an AR site for women only) that there was some missing information like results and pictures from earlier this year -

Neese - I hope you get results soon!!!