Tomorrow is the LaSalle Bank Run Wild 5k, 10k, and fun walk. How excited am I? Yeah, I know that the picture is random and has nothing to do with this race, but I thought that it looked inspiring
so you get to look at it.
I am doing the 10K tomorrow, along with a coworker and a few friends. My man is potentially running the 5k, so we will see how he feels tomorrow AM.
I am disappointed on one point and that is that this run is actually AROUND the zoo and not technically in it.
The 1 mile fun walk is through the zoo, the 5k is directly around it, and the 10k shares a good portion of the route the 5k has, just adding in 3 miles through neighboring areas.
It appears that we will have 3 aid stations along the way. It is supposed to be 60 and sunny at 8am, when the 5k starts, and then 63 around the 10k start time. I can deal with that I just need to
remember to dress like it is in the 80s so I do not overheat.
The weekend plan is 6.2 on sat and 2.5 (recovery) on sun.
Good luck on your 10k!
Thank you Michele! I rocked it!!!!
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